You can’t, or you won’t?

Can't v Won't

When you say you can’t, the fact of the matter is that you most likely can, but that you simply have an excuse for you won’t.

Inherently, there’s nothing wrong with either. It’s just that saying you won’t with a reason, puts you in the driver’s seat of your life, and that’s a very empowering position to be in.

Remember, you can be, do, and have anything you want. Mindfully choose what you will and won’t do. You may want to be, do, or have something at the moment, but this may not be the right time for you to put energy into that thing. Just put it on the back burner for now, and revisit it at another time.

Stay positive, be mindful of the choice(s) you’re making, and make it fun.

Be clear that won’t is a much healthier choice.

Peace, love and happiness!

Imagine waking up in the morning exited about your day. Imagine impacting the world in a positive way. Imagine being in the best love relationship ever, being financially successful, and most of all, living the life of your dreams.

I can help you transform yourself into the best version of your future self. Let’s get started. Just send me an email at

Author: Coach Elle

I help people get un-stuck in their thinking so they can live their dream life faster and easier than they ever thought possible.