Pandemic… what if we have it all wrong?

Coach Elle

What if there is a “cure” for the pandemic of 2020?

What some of the experts are telling us to do in this current environment of the C0-19 virus is to:

  • Avoid close contact
  • Stay at home

But what if the actual cure is what the Beatles say: “All you need is love”.

What some experts are saying seems counter-intuitive to what keeps us strong as a society, and as individuals. We need each other in order to survive. So what if, all we need is to truly love each other to health.

We’ve all heard of how placeboes can cure all types of diseases and afflictions. Some of us have heard about noceboes, the opposite of placeboes. They can kill the healthiest of us all.

So what if this virus is really a nocebo, telling us that we need to take the opposite tactics in order to get rid of it, like:

  • eating healthy
  • going outside and getting some fresh air
  • clearing our negative thoughts and beliefs about people
  • loving each other into health

What if the corona virus is a symptom of our current environment of hatred, distancing, separating, judging, blaming, and so on.

What if the corona virus is a symptom of putting up a wall between the US and Mexico, of separating parents from their children, of judging those that have different sexual preferences, of judging those that are different from us, different religious beliefs, different skin color, different nationality. What if COVID-19 is a symptom of hatred.

So, lets look COVID-19 in the eye and say “I see you, I hear you, and I will love myself and others to health.”

Peace, love, and happiness.

Author: Coach Elle

I help people get un-stuck in their thinking so they can live their dream life faster and easier than they ever thought possible.