I am the most powerful being in the Universe

Most Powerful

We can all say this about ourselves, and we MUST, but most of all, we must believe it.

Why is it true, that “I am the most powerful being in the Universe”? The answer is two fold, and quite simple.


At the center of each one of our lives is our mind. Our mind receives information through our senses: seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting. The information then goes through an analysis based on our mindset, and we derive a meaning. At the simplest of levels, we experience something as good or bad, and as a result, we live the experience as so.

Everything we experience in the world is a result of our interpretation of the experience. This is a very powerful position to be in because if we change our mindset, and hence our interpretation, we can change the experience of the experience from bad to good.


On the other side of the equation, is the Law Of Attraction. The Law Of Attraction states that we attract to us what we hold to be true in our minds.

So, if you believe that people are all out to get you, then that is the experience you will attract into your life.

If we want to change what we attract into our lives, the we need to change our mindset. This again is a very powerful position to be in.

And so…

Simply stated, we attract and interpret the experiences of our lives based on our mindset. In other words, we are creating our lives in every sense. This is true, whether you believe it or not.

Our unlimited power lies in the fact that we can change and reprogram our mindsets at will. Therefore, we can create any life we want.

If you’re not experiencing the life that you want, it’s because your mindset is not attuned to that life. All you have to do is change your mindset.

So, start by saying and believing that: “I am the most powerful being in the Universe.”

If you want to accelerate the change of your mindset, set up your free introductory session with me at MyCoachElle@gmail.com.

Don’t wait any longer. Every moment you wait is a moment lost to the life that you don’t want.

Peace, love and happiness.

Author: Coach Elle

I help people get un-stuck in their thinking so they can live their dream life faster and easier than they ever thought possible.