Change your mindset, change your life!

Quote - We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Einstein is considered a genius ,and generally regarded as the most intelligent mind of all time. Not only was he a genius in physics, but highly regarded as a philosopher of life.

One of his most famous quotes was: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

What he means with this quote is that we create problems with the mindset we’ve downloaded through the years, and the same mind that created the problem may not be equipped to solve it.

From the ages of 0 to about 8, we are downloading thoughts and beliefs passed down from our caregivers, teachers, friends, religious leaders, television and so on. This is what creates our mindsets.

After the ages of 7 or 8, we generally categorize our experiences based on the initial download. Although, the our mindset can evolve over time, generally it stays within a certain confine of the initial download.

With this mindset, we interpret the world in our own particular way, and continually create a life that’s a result of these beliefs. So, for example, if we believe that life is hard, then we will create situations that support that belief, and as a result, experience a life that is hard.

The only way to truly change your experience of life, is to change the mindset. If you want to experience life like Einstein did, then you need to think like Einstein. Easier said than done, but never-the-less possible.

Changing your experience of life is a slowly evolving process that requires consciously figuring out what changes need to be made and then making them.

The reason that it is slowly evolving is two fold. First, figuring out the changes is challenging because how can you see what you’re unable to see without having the mindset to see them. It’s impossible, but it’s like driving at night on a winding road and you can only see what’s illuminated by your headlights. So every step of the journey only presents itself as you move forward. It definitely helps to have a partner, facilitator, or mentor to help you see more and further because they add a new dimension that you don’t have or know. This is the part that I love to get involved with. It’s so much fun to facilitate the self-discovery that takes place when you’re making changes that will transform your life into the life that you seek.

Second, making the mindset changes can be challenging, but with tools like PSYCH-K and Light Codes, it’s so much easier, and I can help you with both of those as well. Ideally, you want to use as many tools as possible, but make sure that the tools work for you. Some tools need a certain mindset for them to work, so they may work for some people and not for others. Have you ever noticed that you might have gotten a new personal development program that has worked for some people and yet you’re not able to get the same benefits or changes that others have? From my experience, I have found that PSYCH-K and Light Codes work with any mindset.

If you’re interested in the Light Codes, they are available on my app, Mission Success, for a small $99/year investment. As for using PSYCH-K, I am a certified facilitator, and offer 1 hour sessions, or you can take the PSYCH-K courses yourself and use it on your own.

Either way, I wish you the life that you want and deserve. Let me know if you have any questions. You can email me at or use the comment section below.

Peace, love and happiness.

Author: Coach Elle

I help people get un-stuck in their thinking so they can live their dream life faster and easier than they ever thought possible.