How to survive during this time…

On the precipice of a new way of life. Peace, love, and happiness.

I received an email from Oprah today to promote a free online meditation program. In it they mention:

Research shows that just 20 minutes of meditation a day protects immunity, reduces anxiety, improves sleep and supports feelings of calm even amidst stressful situations.  It is one of the best tools we have to protect our wellbeing as we navigate this challenging time.

I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten to a place in my life where I feel I am in no need of meditation. My immunity is protected, I have relatively no anxiety, I sleep like a baby, and I am calm, peaceful and centered in the midst of the current unprecedented stressful situation.

I aligned myself to these goals by using PSYCH-K.

Anyone can do the same. Just install these beliefs (my immunity is protected, I have relatively no anxiety, I sleep like a baby, and I am calm, peaceful and centered in the midst of any stressful situation) into your subconscious and remove any thoughts, beliefs, and/or habits that block the manifestation of what you want.

I also still use, my Light Codes from Mission Success.

If you’re looking to get the same results but are limited with time or resources, I encourage you to at least use the Light Codes from Mission Success.

If you want to add another layer of effectiveness, then I would suggest meditation. I say meditation as a second because although it’s a great tool that I’ve used in the past, personally, I wanted a permanent change where I didn’t have to practice this type of exercise on a daily basis in order to achieve what I wanted to achieved (that’s why I recommended the Light Codes first).

Finally, if you have more time and resources, the best tool by far is PSYCH-K. If you really want to shift your life, permanently, then either learn to use PSYCH-K and/or (what I did) work with a Life Coach that is trained to facilitate using PSYCH-K.

Peace, love, and happiness.

5 things to quit right now

There was a post on Facebook that read as follows:

5 things to quit right now:

  1. Trying to please everyone
  2. Fearing change
  3. Living in the past
  4. Putting yourself down
  5. Overthinking.

This is great advise.

But have you tried doing it?

Sure you can do it in the moment, or every time you think of it. But when you’re not focussed on it what happens. You forget about it and then you do them all over again.

The only way to truly integrate these into your being is to use PSYCH-K.

Let me help you do just that.

Send me an email at

Peace, love and happiness.

How to hit a goal…

Someone once said “It’s pointless to set goals if you are not going to try to hit them.”

I really hate that quote. It’s all about shaming you into doing what you have to do.  You know what that’s the recipe for? STRESS!!!

I say, if you set a goal, it’s obviously because it’s something important to you. If you have trouble trying to hit the goal, DO NOT make yourself wrong.  It’s most likely that you don’t have quite the mindset to achieve it.

To find out reach out for help. Get someone, outside of your head, to take an objective view and give you feedback. Make sure it’s someone supportive, like a success coach.

Most of the time, all you need is a minor mindset change.  PSYCH-K is a great tool for this.

A forced smile leads to illness

Some experts believe that we should force a smile even if we’re angry or sad.

I say that’s BS! You’re emotions are there for a reason. Don’t turn your back on them and certainly don’t suppress them.  They are your guidance system. Suppressing them will cause misery, stress and illness.

If you want to change the way you feel, then do it from a mindset change (PSYCH-K), but don’t mess with your emotions.

How to keep positive without trying

Some experts believe that you have to train your brain to be more positive with activities like meditation, gratitude journaling and conscious acts of kindness.

These are all good activities but let me ask you this. Does a healthy child have to do these activities in order to be happy and positive? No. The reason is because most of us are trained to be negative and stressed.

The great news is that whatever we’ve been trained to do, we can un-train to do.

When you do that, you can replace the activities like meditation, gratitude journaling and conscious acts of kindness with true living and making a massive positive difference in the world.

The tool I use is PSYCH-K and you can experience a difference in minutes!

In the same old Rut? Here’s the only way to get out, for good!

Ever tried stretching your horizons only to find yourself back in the same old rut within a year?  It’s quite common. It’s known as the safety zone and we tend to gravitate back to it.

The only way around the safety zone prison is to change your mindset at the root level.  I’m not talking about forcing a minset change, I’m talking about an easy and loving mindset change with PSYCH-K or any other energy psychology you might prefer.

When you make a change at the mindset/root level, everything is easy and you’ll never find yourself in a rut again!

Finding Your Drive

Stay strong!

Power through!

If only it were that easy. Tapping into and maintaining willpower and motivation can be hard to impossible because it’s a matter of trying to move a mountain by using a spoon. It’s pitting your conscious mind against your subconscious mind which is a million times more powerful.

There’s only 3 ways of doing it.

  1. Repetition, which is the least powerful of them all. Repeat the new thought that you want to integrate until it is. It can take months, years and it can also never happen (I know this from my own experience).
  2. Attaching strong emotions to the new thought. The type of strong emotions that you experience when you have a near death experience. That’s why people are able to make some life altering changes at this time.
  3. Or by using energy psychology like PSYCH-K. PSYCH-K allows you to create mindset changes within minutes.

I’m a PSYCH-K facilitator, and I can help you with any mindset changes you want to make.  Let your wisdom be your guide.

Peace, love and happiness.

Win-Win Situation

We had a great win a couple of days ago. I say “we” because every time a client has a monumental win, that’s a monumental win for me too.

My client, Sally (not real name), has been struggling for years to find peace and happiness within herself. She’s one of the wisest people I know but she struggled with integrating her wisdom into her being.

We’ve been doing some PSYCK-K balances for a few months which was helping her, but last week, we did a new balance with the relationship she has with herself.  When I left our session, she was very tired and I told her it might take time for the balance to integrate itself all the way.

When I saw her again a couple of days ago, she was a completely different person. She was radiant, like I’d never seen her before. She was truly at peace, confident and happy. I almost told her a few times “what did you do with the old Sally?”

I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am for her. We all deserve to be at peace with ourselves.

I wish you all peace, love and happiness.

3 Ways To Avoid Stress Eating

You’re stressed out and all you can think of doing is having a chocolate bar or *insert you favorite comfort food*.

But you know that if you give in to your comfort food, you’ll feel relief for now but when you come off of your high, you’ll feel more tire, more down or more stressed out. It’s a momentary fix but it doesn’t help you overall. Sound like something else out there?

Instead of reaching for comfort food, try the following:

1 – Drink Water

Stress may cause you to be dehydrated. Often, having a glass of water will not only rehydrate you but will rejuvenate you.

2 – Do Some Breathing Excercises

You can yawn or do 10 rounds of mindful breathing (in for a count of 5, hold your breath for a count of 2 and release your breath for a count of 10). Another great breathing exercise is to hum. Humming is known to have a healing effect as well. Alternatively, you can go for a walk. Walking naturally causes you to breath effectively without even thinking about it. It’s also know to help you clear your mind. Ever heard the expression “walk it off”?

3 – Take A Nap

Because we lead very busy lives, we don’t always get the sleep we need and lack of sleep can cause stress all on it’s own. Take time for yourself and take a nap. It’s known to have therapeutic effects.


Ultimately, the best way to deal with stress is to figure out the subconscious beliefs that cause you to feel stressed about your situation, rid yourself of them and create supportive subconscious beliefs so that the next time your in the same situation, you’ll feel no stress. No stress, no comfort food needed. A couple of ways you can do that is to use PSYCH-K or EFT (Tapping).

Here’s to your stress free living!

Peace, love and happiness.



Stressing Out!

One of my clients, Lynda (not her real name), had a total stressed-out meltdown last week.

It was the first time she was covering for a colleague, doing work that she had inadequate training for and was expected to do it in a timely manner. Not only that, but the woman she was covering for had just inherited a load of work due to cutbacks. So, Lynda was in fact doing the job of three people.

She didn’t get much support either. In fact, when she went to see her manager to get clarity and help, she just got yelled at.  Without going into the intimate details, I think we can all agree that she had reason for a stressed-out meltdown.

During our coaching call, we talked about the situation, but more importantly, how she was feeling throughout the experience. We dug to find out what beliefs were causing her to feel the way she was feeling.

As we were exploring, Lynda had an Aha! moment. She realize that she was at the source of her misery. She subconsciously believed that she didn’t understand, that she wouldn’t be able to do a good job, that she didn’t have enough time and much more.

The great thing is that she will never feel that kind of stress again because now that she knew what was causing it, it was just a matter of re-programming what was getting in her way. In other words, getting rid of the non-supportive beliefs that were causing the stress and installing some new ones that would allow her to thrive.

So, for the next few sessions we’ll be doing some subconscious re-programming because it’s not enough to have an epiphany and deciding to make some changes. She’s been there before and she know that it’s not enough.  She has to go into her subconscious mind and make the changes because her reactions and experiences are based on subconscious beliefs and they happen in a slit second so there’s no time or amount of conscious efforting that can overcome it.

So, here’s your take-away. If you experience, or have experienced, a really a stressful situation, explore the subconscious beliefs that you would need to have in order to react the way you do/did.  Sometimes, it’s difficult to figure it out on your own so make sure you enlist a trusted friend or coach.  And when you’re ready to do some reprogramming, I would suggest either PSYCH-K or EFT/Tapping.

When you do all of that, you can experience what Lynda experienced today: peace and confidence in the face or a previously stressful situation.

Peace, love and happiness.