How to survive during this time…

On the precipice of a new way of life. Peace, love, and happiness.

I received an email from Oprah today to promote a free online meditation program. In it they mention:

Research shows that just 20 minutes of meditation a day protects immunity, reduces anxiety, improves sleep and supports feelings of calm even amidst stressful situations.  It is one of the best tools we have to protect our wellbeing as we navigate this challenging time.

I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten to a place in my life where I feel I am in no need of meditation. My immunity is protected, I have relatively no anxiety, I sleep like a baby, and I am calm, peaceful and centered in the midst of the current unprecedented stressful situation.

I aligned myself to these goals by using PSYCH-K.

Anyone can do the same. Just install these beliefs (my immunity is protected, I have relatively no anxiety, I sleep like a baby, and I am calm, peaceful and centered in the midst of any stressful situation) into your subconscious and remove any thoughts, beliefs, and/or habits that block the manifestation of what you want.

I also still use, my Light Codes from Mission Success.

If you’re looking to get the same results but are limited with time or resources, I encourage you to at least use the Light Codes from Mission Success.

If you want to add another layer of effectiveness, then I would suggest meditation. I say meditation as a second because although it’s a great tool that I’ve used in the past, personally, I wanted a permanent change where I didn’t have to practice this type of exercise on a daily basis in order to achieve what I wanted to achieved (that’s why I recommended the Light Codes first).

Finally, if you have more time and resources, the best tool by far is PSYCH-K. If you really want to shift your life, permanently, then either learn to use PSYCH-K and/or (what I did) work with a Life Coach that is trained to facilitate using PSYCH-K.

Peace, love, and happiness.

Pandemic… what if we have it all wrong?

What if there is a “cure” for the pandemic of 2020?

What some of the experts are telling us to do in this current environment of the C0-19 virus is to:

  • Avoid close contact
  • Stay at home

But what if the actual cure is what the Beatles say: “All you need is love”.

What some experts are saying seems counter-intuitive to what keeps us strong as a society, and as individuals. We need each other in order to survive. So what if, all we need is to truly love each other to health.

We’ve all heard of how placeboes can cure all types of diseases and afflictions. Some of us have heard about noceboes, the opposite of placeboes. They can kill the healthiest of us all.

So what if this virus is really a nocebo, telling us that we need to take the opposite tactics in order to get rid of it, like:

  • eating healthy
  • going outside and getting some fresh air
  • clearing our negative thoughts and beliefs about people
  • loving each other into health

What if the corona virus is a symptom of our current environment of hatred, distancing, separating, judging, blaming, and so on.

What if the corona virus is a symptom of putting up a wall between the US and Mexico, of separating parents from their children, of judging those that have different sexual preferences, of judging those that are different from us, different religious beliefs, different skin color, different nationality. What if COVID-19 is a symptom of hatred.

So, lets look COVID-19 in the eye and say “I see you, I hear you, and I will love myself and others to health.”

Peace, love, and happiness.

5 things to quit right now

There was a post on Facebook that read as follows:

5 things to quit right now:

  1. Trying to please everyone
  2. Fearing change
  3. Living in the past
  4. Putting yourself down
  5. Overthinking.

This is great advise.

But have you tried doing it?

Sure you can do it in the moment, or every time you think of it. But when you’re not focussed on it what happens. You forget about it and then you do them all over again.

The only way to truly integrate these into your being is to use PSYCH-K.

Let me help you do just that.

Send me an email at

Peace, love and happiness.

Don’t believe everything you read

Coach Elle
Let’s have a cup and talk.

I recently read an article about doubling your productivity and there was so much miss-information in it that it made me ill.

Whenever you read something, please do not take it on face value, not even mine.  I would do a search on it to see what other people think, and then I would take the opposite view.  I jest of course but only a little bit.

Remember the stories about Christopher Columbus and that he believed the world was round and everyone else believed it was flat. This is not just relegated to centuries ago.  Until recently, the big deal on losing weight was low-fat. Now we “know” that in order to be healthy, you need to eat fat!

Just a little to keep in mind on your journey.

Peace, love and happiness.

Win-Win Situation

We had a great win a couple of days ago. I say “we” because every time a client has a monumental win, that’s a monumental win for me too.

My client, Sally (not real name), has been struggling for years to find peace and happiness within herself. She’s one of the wisest people I know but she struggled with integrating her wisdom into her being.

We’ve been doing some PSYCK-K balances for a few months which was helping her, but last week, we did a new balance with the relationship she has with herself.  When I left our session, she was very tired and I told her it might take time for the balance to integrate itself all the way.

When I saw her again a couple of days ago, she was a completely different person. She was radiant, like I’d never seen her before. She was truly at peace, confident and happy. I almost told her a few times “what did you do with the old Sally?”

I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am for her. We all deserve to be at peace with ourselves.

I wish you all peace, love and happiness.