How to survive during this time…

On the precipice of a new way of life. Peace, love, and happiness.

I received an email from Oprah today to promote a free online meditation program. In it they mention:

Research shows that just 20 minutes of meditation a day protects immunity, reduces anxiety, improves sleep and supports feelings of calm even amidst stressful situations.  It is one of the best tools we have to protect our wellbeing as we navigate this challenging time.

I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten to a place in my life where I feel I am in no need of meditation. My immunity is protected, I have relatively no anxiety, I sleep like a baby, and I am calm, peaceful and centered in the midst of the current unprecedented stressful situation.

I aligned myself to these goals by using PSYCH-K.

Anyone can do the same. Just install these beliefs (my immunity is protected, I have relatively no anxiety, I sleep like a baby, and I am calm, peaceful and centered in the midst of any stressful situation) into your subconscious and remove any thoughts, beliefs, and/or habits that block the manifestation of what you want.

I also still use, my Light Codes from Mission Success.

If you’re looking to get the same results but are limited with time or resources, I encourage you to at least use the Light Codes from Mission Success.

If you want to add another layer of effectiveness, then I would suggest meditation. I say meditation as a second because although it’s a great tool that I’ve used in the past, personally, I wanted a permanent change where I didn’t have to practice this type of exercise on a daily basis in order to achieve what I wanted to achieved (that’s why I recommended the Light Codes first).

Finally, if you have more time and resources, the best tool by far is PSYCH-K. If you really want to shift your life, permanently, then either learn to use PSYCH-K and/or (what I did) work with a Life Coach that is trained to facilitate using PSYCH-K.

Peace, love, and happiness.

You can’t, or you won’t?

When you say you can’t, the fact of the matter is that you most likely can, but that you simply have an excuse for you won’t.

Inherently, there’s nothing wrong with either. It’s just that saying you won’t with a reason, puts you in the driver’s seat of your life, and that’s a very empowering position to be in.

Remember, you can be, do, and have anything you want. Mindfully choose what you will and won’t do. You may want to be, do, or have something at the moment, but this may not be the right time for you to put energy into that thing. Just put it on the back burner for now, and revisit it at another time.

Stay positive, be mindful of the choice(s) you’re making, and make it fun.

Be clear that won’t is a much healthier choice.

Peace, love and happiness!

Imagine waking up in the morning exited about your day. Imagine impacting the world in a positive way. Imagine being in the best love relationship ever, being financially successful, and most of all, living the life of your dreams.

I can help you transform yourself into the best version of your future self. Let’s get started. Just send me an email at

I am the most powerful being in the Universe

We can all say this about ourselves, and we MUST, but most of all, we must believe it.

Why is it true, that “I am the most powerful being in the Universe”? The answer is two fold, and quite simple.


At the center of each one of our lives is our mind. Our mind receives information through our senses: seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting. The information then goes through an analysis based on our mindset, and we derive a meaning. At the simplest of levels, we experience something as good or bad, and as a result, we live the experience as so.

Everything we experience in the world is a result of our interpretation of the experience. This is a very powerful position to be in because if we change our mindset, and hence our interpretation, we can change the experience of the experience from bad to good.


On the other side of the equation, is the Law Of Attraction. The Law Of Attraction states that we attract to us what we hold to be true in our minds.

So, if you believe that people are all out to get you, then that is the experience you will attract into your life.

If we want to change what we attract into our lives, the we need to change our mindset. This again is a very powerful position to be in.

And so…

Simply stated, we attract and interpret the experiences of our lives based on our mindset. In other words, we are creating our lives in every sense. This is true, whether you believe it or not.

Our unlimited power lies in the fact that we can change and reprogram our mindsets at will. Therefore, we can create any life we want.

If you’re not experiencing the life that you want, it’s because your mindset is not attuned to that life. All you have to do is change your mindset.

So, start by saying and believing that: “I am the most powerful being in the Universe.”

If you want to accelerate the change of your mindset, set up your free introductory session with me at

Don’t wait any longer. Every moment you wait is a moment lost to the life that you don’t want.

Peace, love and happiness.

Change your mindset, change your life!

Einstein is considered a genius ,and generally regarded as the most intelligent mind of all time. Not only was he a genius in physics, but highly regarded as a philosopher of life.

One of his most famous quotes was: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

What he means with this quote is that we create problems with the mindset we’ve downloaded through the years, and the same mind that created the problem may not be equipped to solve it.

From the ages of 0 to about 8, we are downloading thoughts and beliefs passed down from our caregivers, teachers, friends, religious leaders, television and so on. This is what creates our mindsets.

After the ages of 7 or 8, we generally categorize our experiences based on the initial download. Although, the our mindset can evolve over time, generally it stays within a certain confine of the initial download.

With this mindset, we interpret the world in our own particular way, and continually create a life that’s a result of these beliefs. So, for example, if we believe that life is hard, then we will create situations that support that belief, and as a result, experience a life that is hard.

The only way to truly change your experience of life, is to change the mindset. If you want to experience life like Einstein did, then you need to think like Einstein. Easier said than done, but never-the-less possible.

Changing your experience of life is a slowly evolving process that requires consciously figuring out what changes need to be made and then making them.

The reason that it is slowly evolving is two fold. First, figuring out the changes is challenging because how can you see what you’re unable to see without having the mindset to see them. It’s impossible, but it’s like driving at night on a winding road and you can only see what’s illuminated by your headlights. So every step of the journey only presents itself as you move forward. It definitely helps to have a partner, facilitator, or mentor to help you see more and further because they add a new dimension that you don’t have or know. This is the part that I love to get involved with. It’s so much fun to facilitate the self-discovery that takes place when you’re making changes that will transform your life into the life that you seek.

Second, making the mindset changes can be challenging, but with tools like PSYCH-K and Light Codes, it’s so much easier, and I can help you with both of those as well. Ideally, you want to use as many tools as possible, but make sure that the tools work for you. Some tools need a certain mindset for them to work, so they may work for some people and not for others. Have you ever noticed that you might have gotten a new personal development program that has worked for some people and yet you’re not able to get the same benefits or changes that others have? From my experience, I have found that PSYCH-K and Light Codes work with any mindset.

If you’re interested in the Light Codes, they are available on my app, Mission Success, for a small $99/year investment. As for using PSYCH-K, I am a certified facilitator, and offer 1 hour sessions, or you can take the PSYCH-K courses yourself and use it on your own.

Either way, I wish you the life that you want and deserve. Let me know if you have any questions. You can email me at or use the comment section below.

Peace, love and happiness.

Your past programming is keeping you from being happy…

I heard a long time ago that we have about 70,000 thoughts a day and that about 98% are the same we had the day before.

More recently, I learned that subconscious thoughts outnumber the conscious thoughts about 10million to 1! In other words, the subconscious mind out-powers the conscious mind in the order of Zeus to a mouse.

The only way to make sure that you are happy and getting the results that you want out of life is to reprogram the subconscious mind so that it works for you, not against you. 

Let me help you with that. It’s not as hard as you think. 🙂

Peace, love and happiness.

5 things to quit right now

There was a post on Facebook that read as follows:

5 things to quit right now:

  1. Trying to please everyone
  2. Fearing change
  3. Living in the past
  4. Putting yourself down
  5. Overthinking.

This is great advise.

But have you tried doing it?

Sure you can do it in the moment, or every time you think of it. But when you’re not focussed on it what happens. You forget about it and then you do them all over again.

The only way to truly integrate these into your being is to use PSYCH-K.

Let me help you do just that.

Send me an email at

Peace, love and happiness.

The #1 way to achieve your dream!

Imagine paddling against the current in order to get to your destination.

It might be exciting at first, especially if your destination is your dream!

But there’s no denying it’s hard work. You have to keep paddling in order to keep moving forward. If you stop to rest, you might lose ground and if you lose ground you might lose your desire to keep going.

I know! I’ve been there before.

But what if your dream was down stream and all you had to do was steer? Think about it for a minute.

That’s what happens when you align with your dreams. That’s the #1 and only way to truly do it. 


Don’t believe everything you read

Coach Elle
Let’s have a cup and talk.

I recently read an article about doubling your productivity and there was so much miss-information in it that it made me ill.

Whenever you read something, please do not take it on face value, not even mine.  I would do a search on it to see what other people think, and then I would take the opposite view.  I jest of course but only a little bit.

Remember the stories about Christopher Columbus and that he believed the world was round and everyone else believed it was flat. This is not just relegated to centuries ago.  Until recently, the big deal on losing weight was low-fat. Now we “know” that in order to be healthy, you need to eat fat!

Just a little to keep in mind on your journey.

Peace, love and happiness.