Don’t believe everything you read

Coach Elle
Let’s have a cup and talk.

I recently read an article about doubling your productivity and there was so much miss-information in it that it made me ill.

Whenever you read something, please do not take it on face value, not even mine.  I would do a search on it to see what other people think, and then I would take the opposite view.  I jest of course but only a little bit.

Remember the stories about Christopher Columbus and that he believed the world was round and everyone else believed it was flat. This is not just relegated to centuries ago.  Until recently, the big deal on losing weight was low-fat. Now we “know” that in order to be healthy, you need to eat fat!

Just a little to keep in mind on your journey.

Peace, love and happiness.

Author: Coach Elle

I help people get un-stuck in their thinking so they can live their dream life faster and easier than they ever thought possible.